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Rhino, NO! (Rust) Men's Crew Sock

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One of our planets coolest animals might just be sturdier versions of unicorns! Rhinoceros are among some of the largest land mammals weighing between 2,000 and 9,900 pounds from the Sumatran Rhinoceros to White Rhinoceros (with Black, Indian and Javan in between). These herbivore, gentle-giants are all threatened with the Black, Javan and Sumatran Rhino all Critically Endangered. These socks feature a repeated pattern of  grey, two horned Rhinos from the shoulders up simply saying "No." So if you need a little motivation for setting boundaries and saying "No" to the less desirable things in life, look no further. Who's going to argue with a Rhino? Rust colored background, black accent at toe, heel and cuff. 

Content: 33% Nylon, 65% Cotton, 2% Lycra. Fits men's shoe sizes 7-12.5, Women's approximate shoe size 8.5-14.


The Sock Shack in Portland Maine