Area 51 Stretch-It Knee Highs
Area 51 is a highly classified secret U.S. Air Force military installation located in southern Nevada. For years there was speculation about the installation, especially amid growing reports of UFO sightings in the vicinity. Area 51 has become known for it's conspiracy theories and folklore of UFOs and aliens being housed at the base. So what do you think? Is it just experimental aircraft and weapons testing going on there? Or is there something out of this world going on there? There are rumors of an alien spacecraft crashing near Area 51 long ago, and a shadowy government agency conducting research on the wreckage at a tightly guarded compound. What would aliens come to earth for? To test their tractor beams with one of the largest animals grazing this earth, cows! These Area 51 Crew Socks pay homage to what may have caused that mysterious crash. For all you believers, these Area 51 alien themed socks are for you! These knee highs are super stretchy, up to 21 inches in circumference without distorting the graphics. These knee high won’t fall down, no matter your leg size. Fits women's shoe size 5 to 14.5 and men's shoe size up to 13. Content: 60% cotton, 37% polyester, 3% spandex.